Welcome to Studio Sisu


Here at Studio Sisu we…

Persevere | Thrive | Inspire

Studio Sisu is a virtual fitness studio powered by functional movement and FUN. In each class, you’ll challenge yourself to push beyond your comfort zone by finding your SISU (see-sue).

SI·SU (noun): A mindset of extraordinary determination and courage allowing individuals to push beyond their limitations and transform.

Signature Classes

  • Classes include Barre, Pilates-inspired flows, Abs, and more! If you can think of it, we’ll hit it. Classes range from 20-55 minutes and are low-impact.

  • 45-minute strength and conditioning. These classes focus on total body or isolated muscle group (core, upper, or lower body) strength training.

  • Recovery is so important in a fitness routine! Classes range from 30-60 minutes. Each class focuses on mind-body connection while integrating gratitude practices and breath work.

  • My most popular class! 30-45 minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Tabata is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, eight times through. I take a unique approach by focusing on strength training. It’s crazy efficient, fun and sweaty!

  • ★★★★★

    “Ashli’s classes are always so rewarding no matter how much effort you put in. I keep coming back because Ashli is a fantastic instructor who clearly knows how a body functions. She gives precise instructions and will always keep an eye on her class to make sure everyone is not hurting themselves. I love the fact that she will adjust my form if I am doing something wrong or dangerous for my health. She is always so encouraging during the class and keeps everyone's energy level high. Plus, her music taste is great! Overall, she's also just a wonderful human being!!!”

    • Sofia D.

  • ★★★★★

    “Fun, high-energy, challenging, dynamic! Ashli always provides lots of options and modifications for different fitness levels and to work around injuries. My mood has been elevated from working out with Ashli and I always look forward to training with her.”

    • Joy T.

  • ★★★★★

    “Tabata is such a hard class, but I keep coming back because of Ashli! Her energy & positivity is super contagious! Ashli reminds you that time flies when you are having fun, and that you are stronger than you think!

    • Aja S.

  • ★★★★★

    “Ashli’s classes are always different, fresh, never boring, and you'll get results.”

    • Marlena I.

  • ★★★★★

    “A single word to describe Ashli’s classes: phenomenal. Ashli’s classes are fun; very efficient and improves your mental and physical health. Ashli has a positive energy and is resourceful as she always comes up with new ways to make the lesson interesting.”

    • Eleni K.

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